This is a presentation of an American aviator who dared to become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Ms. George.
Friday, 29 October 2021
Christiaan Barnard
This is a presentation in remembrance of who Christiaan Barnard is and why he is important till' this day.
What is the role of the kidney?
What is the role of the kidney?
The role of the kidney is to make sure they have the right amount of water, salt, and acid. They also help clean the blood, removing unneeded material through urine.
This is where the kidney is in the body :
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Heroic Lead or a Villain?
I'd rather be a heroic lead in a story than a villain. Sure, villains may have probably better powers but that doesn't mean our powers are useless. Everyone would automatically be scared, just by judging the villains' appearances. Villains would probably have the biggest lairs, the best outfits for fighting, and sneaky but cheesy plans. But being a heroic lead among other hero's is a privilege, especially to serve our people by giving them the courage, faith, and belief in us.
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Why Dental Health Is Important
Did you know, rotten teeth can impact your future?
Your teeth are very important and require special treatment. Dental hygiene at a young age can prevent tooth extraction and even false teeth as you age. Not forgetting that you would also have a beautiful white smile!
Some results of poor hygiene can include multiple tooth extractions and cavities. The consequences that you’ll face can have a negative impact on your teeth. One of these consequences are fillings due to cavities. Cavities that are not taken care of properly, can damage your teeth severely. Cavities can eventually lead to bad breath and even loss of your tooth. Immense bad breath, due to tooth decay can be embarrassing as nobody wants to inhale smelly breath. It is also very expensive to extract rotten teeth because it takes a lot of skill and concentration.
So therefore, for these reasons, people should know the importance of taking care of their dental health.
Dental hygiene is always a priority that we need to consider. Hygiene is important as part of keeping our teeth healthy and fresh, especially for our smile! To prevent cavities, rotten teeth, and extraction, all we need to do is carefully look after our teeth. For instance, limit how much sugar we eat, eating healthier food, brushing our teeth twice a day, and flossing. If we continue to repeat this method daily, our teeth will continue to flourish, knowing that we care for them.
In conclusion, it is vital to brush and floss your teeth to refresh and clear out the bad bacteria which causes rotten teeth and cavities. It can also make your gums healthy, securing your teeth in place. And as we continue to age, false teeth or braces won’t be an issue at all. So therefore, this is why Dental Health is important.
Teleport to a video game or your favorite TV show/movie?
I'd rather teleport to my favorite movie than a video game. It would be more exciting and interesting. Being in intense action movies would probably be the best but most frightening moments I would ever have. Learning how to hold a gun properly and fighting bad guys daily. Other than a video game, you only have 3 lives left to complete a mission. But for movies? Having yourself in that rare experience with the people you admire on set would be a spectacular adventure.
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Being stranded on an island or in a deep forest?
I'd rather be stranded on an island because it reminds me of my own. An Island full of magnificent trees with glorious water surrounding it feels like paradise! I would picture it as a beautiful and refreshing vacation.
Other than a forest, there might be hungry wild animals, muddy and slippery tracks, and creepy noises within the forest.
Friday, 22 October 2021
Having gills to breathe underwater or have wings to fly?
I'd rather have to breathe underwater because breathing underwater would be a rare but amazing experience to have! I'd love to dive into the water and talk freely without choking or making any gagging noises, especially gasping for air! So therefore, for these reasons, I'd rather have gills to breathe underwater than have wings to fly.
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Stopping time or Going back in Time?
Both ideas of stopping time or going back in time sounds spectacular! But I'd rather go with stopping time.
Why? Because I could do many things as people freeze - like take another persons' unfinished sandwich, or probably go through my sisters' closet and take some of her clothes without her noticing.
But going back in the future? For me personally, it just seems like you're saving yourself from embarrassment and from you're worst moments.
You might even mess with the future by messing with the past.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Would you rather talk to animals or read peoples' minds?
I would rather talk to animals because it would be a really great and rare experience to have. I love animals so I would be very happy to interact with them while I can understand what they’re saying.
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
A superhero or a wizard?
Being a superhero would be fun because I think having super and unique powers would be a privilege and a blessing! Using it for the greater good, giving me an honorable reputation, and maybe becoming a representative, inspiring person towards those who would want to do good too.
Monday, 18 October 2021
I would rather...
I would rather jump on clouds because I like to be up high in the sky to feel the nice, cool breeze that comes by.
All my worries down there left behind, as I enjoy myself in the sky.
As I move with the clouds in the air makes me go almost anywhere!
I’d love to climb the tallest clouds to see more of God’s creation.
Feeling free feels like I’m the luckiest person on Earth!